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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Core Curriculum


At Abbotsweld, our maths curriculum is designed to develop confident, resilient, and curious mathematicians. We follow the White Rose Maths scheme, which provides a clear progression of skills and knowledge, ensuring all children develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.

Through a mastery approach, we focus on securing a solid foundation in maths for every pupil. Concepts are taught in small, manageable steps, allowing children to develop fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. By providing opportunities for exploration and discussion, we build both competence and confidence.

In the Early Years and Key Stage 1, we also use the Mastering Number programme to enhance number sense and fluency. This approach helps children develop a secure understanding of number relationships and lays the groundwork for future success in mathematics.

Maths Long Term Plan


At Abbotsweld, our English curriculum is tailored to inspire and support our children in becoming confident, creative, and articulate communicators. Drawing from the principles of Talk for Writing and Talk for Reading, our approach is adapted to meet the specific needs of our pupils, ensuring every child feels empowered in their learning journey.

We use high-quality, inspiring texts to ignite curiosity and a love of reading. Where appropriate, these texts are carefully selected to link with non-core subjects, enriching our wider curriculum and providing meaningful, cross-curricular connections. This integrated approach helps deepen understanding and engage learners in a way that feels relevant and exciting.

Our curriculum ensures exposure to a diverse range of genres, encouraging exploration and creativity. From narrative and poetry to persuasive writing and non-fiction, children develop a strong foundation in both the art and mechanics of writing, fostering a lifelong appreciation of language.

While rooted in the National Curriculum, we strive to go beyond its expectations. Through exploration and challenge, we support our pupils to not only meet but exceed national standards. Our teaching is designed to nurture critical thinking, collaboration, and self-expression.

 English Reading and Writing Long Term Plan

Learning to Read

Early reading is the foundation of our curriculum. Children learn to read through the Read Write Inc. (RWI) Phonics programme, a systematic and engaging approach to phonics. This ensures every child builds confidence and fluency in decoding words. To learn more about our phonics provision, please visit the dedicated page on our website.



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