It is important that all pupils wear the correct school uniform. Abbotsweld school uniform:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school;
- Fosters a feeling of community and belonging;
- Is practical and smart and sets a high standard of appearance for all;
- Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance.
- White polo shirt with school logo
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
- Plain grey skirt
- Plain grey trousers (no leggings/cycling shorts/jeans or skinny trousers)
- Plain grey pinafore
- Plain grey tailored knee length shorts during summer term (no palazzo shorts)
- Red and white check/gingham uniform dress during the summer (no jumpsuits or shorts)
- Plain grey or white socks (no patterns)
- Plain grey tights (no patterns)
- Red school fleece with logo (no other fleeces or tops)
- Black shoes (either lace-up, velcro, zip or buckle fastening)- no logos in other colours
- In addition children may wear a watch
- Hair accessories - blackor red and must be smart (long hair must be tied back)
- Children can wear small, plain stud earrings but no other form of jewellery
- No make-up or nail varnish worn in school
PE Kit
- Coloured house logo t-shirt
- Plain black shorts
- School logo black tracksuit
- Trainers or plimsolls
- No earrings
Ensure that you and your child are aware of the days they have P.E. Your child will come to school dressed in the correct P.E kit (all items clearly labelled)every time they have P.E. If a child comes to school dressed in their P.E kit on the wrong day, parents/carers will have to bring their school uniform to school to get changed. Regularly check labels as children might take off their sweatshirts at times.
Other Equipment needed
- Your child will also need a school bag
School Uniform Shop
You can buy all uniform, with the logo on, from Top Form in The Stow, Harlow.
90-91 The Stow,
CM20 3AP
Tel:01279 434813
Labelling Clothes
Use sew in or iron on name labels in EVERYTHING! 30 red sweatshirts look the same and often pen becomes illegible or wears off after a few washes! Please check your child's uniform and P.E kit regularly as we cannot spend time searching for lots property.
If your child is in Reception or cannot do their own laces up, buy shoes with Velcro straps until your child is confident doing buckles for laces.
How much uniform to buy?
Many parents have asked for guidance on this. Questions to ask;
- How messy are your children?
- How often do you wash?
We’d recommend having at least;
- 4 polo shirts
- 2 pairs of trousers/skirts/dresses
- 2 sweatshirts/cardigans
- PE kits – 1 set is usually enough as children keep them in school and they only come home for washing at the end of each half term.