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Reading at Abbotsweld


reading at abbotsweld updated.pdf



  • Systematic synthetic phonics, using ‘Read Write Inc. (RWI)’, is delivered daily to children in reception.
  • Children are grouped for RWI at the end of Autumn 1 and these groups are assessed at least half termly.
  • Children are also provided with colour banded books. These are from RWI and are decodable.
  • Tutoring takes place for children experiencing significant difficulty.
  • In addition to phonics lessons, a whole class story is shared with reception children daily. Appropriate comprehension questions are asked about the books that are read to them.
  • Alongside RWI, reading is taught through reading games; Phonics Play (online), weekly 1:1 reading; vocabulary sessions; whole class reading - poems/rhymes, online books and books that help to give prior knowledge for other topics taught within the wider curriculum.



  • RWI sessions continue in year 1.
  • An additional whole class phonics session takes place each afternoon, recapping taught sounds.
  • The aim is for children is to complete the RWI programme by the end of year one. For these children, they move on to ‘RWI comprehension’, a 14-week programme that develops fluency and comprehension.
  • In year 2, on the completion of the 14 week RWI comprehension programme, children move on to Whole Class Reading comprehension lessons using VIPERS, where they study a text in depth throughout the week, focusing on a different reading skill each day: vocabulary, inference, predicting, explaining, retrieval or summarising.
  • Children are given books to take home to practise reading. These are from RWI and are decodable. Once children complete RWI, they are given a banded book from Big Cat Collins. Children can also take home an additional book of their choice for their parents/ carers to read to them to promote reading for pleasure.
  • Children continue their daily sustained silent reading session, gradually building up the time.



  • Children complete daily whole class reading sessions.
  • In addition to a whole class reading session, weekly comprehension sessions are delivered.
  • Sustained silent reading (STARS) is built upon with children reading for longer periods year upon year.
  • A whole class story is read to the children daily by the class teacher.
  • All classes have a weekly timetable slot to use the library, giving them the opportunity to explore different genres.
  • Catch Up sessions provided for any children displaying difficulty in decoding.


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