SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.
Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.
Use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the 'British values' of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.
Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
At Abbotsweld SMSC is developed throughout the curriculum and beyond. For an overview of some SMSC development opportunities outside of the classroom curriculum please take a look at the calendar below (NB: Other events will be added throughout the year):
Autumn Term |
Pupil Voice Vote i.e. School Council, Green Ambassadors and more Pupil Advocate and House Captain Interviews European Day of Languages Winter Sports Day |
Harvest House Event Anti-Bullying World Philosophy Day Christmas and Carols |
Spring Term |
MP Visit Y6- First Aid Martin Luther King Day Mental Health Week |
World Book Day Reading Café Science Week Red Nose Day |
Summer Term |
Y6- Careers Week St George’s Day Y6 Residential Trip |
Earth Day House Event |