The School Day and Clubs
The School Day
8.35am School day start time (doors open)
8.45am Registration taken (and gates close)
3.30pm: School day ends
KS1 and KS2:
8.35am School day start time (gates open)
8.45am: Registration taken (and gates close)
3.45pm: School day ends
Collecting your child from school
EYFS (Reception) finish at 3:30pm each day and will need to be collected from their classroom.
KS1 (Years 1 and 2) finish at 3:45pm. Children will be released from their classroom or the back door once the teacher sees you.
KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) finish at 3:45pm. The children in year 3 and 4 are escorted onto the playground by their teacher and released once the teacher sees you. The children in year 5 and 6 are escorted to the dining hall by their teacher and released once the teacher sees you.
The playground is busy at home time so try to stand in a similar place each day and when you see your child is next in line, give the teacher a wave so they spot you quickly. This helps enormously and speeds up the process for everyone! |
If somebody different is collecting your child from school, please tell the office. If we have not received notification, the class teacher will not allow your child to leave with them. |
Child Absence
If your child is going to be absent from school please ring before 9:00am on the first day. You will be able to leave a message stating name, class and reason for absence.
If a specific reason has not been left we may call you back. When a child is absent from school and no call has been received, we will call you to find out why your child is not in school.
Please ring the absence line on 01279 630 120.
Wrap-around sessions
Breakfast Club
We run a very successful club from 8am every morning. It is open to all children, please book via Arbor. Children receive breakfast between 8 and 8.10am. After breakfast they then move onto clubs based on our SELF Programme and Pupil Athlete Pathway. They are run by members of Abbotsweld staff.
You must arrive before 8.10am for breakfast and before 8.15am to access the clubs. No one is admitted after 8.10am.
After School Sessions
We run a number of after school sessions, based on our SELF Programme and Pupil Athlete Pathway Programme.
These enrichment opportunities will be sent out termly to parents. If you would like to find out more please contact the school office.